Thursday, May 15, 2014

Launch Party Day, Ebook Release, and Other Cool News!

Hello Retro-Readers!

It feels like I haven't called you that in a long time, but I thought I'd try it out again.  Turns out I still like it.  :-)

So first off, it's Launch Party Day! Woo-Hoo!!!!  My sister, the illustrator, just flew in from Texas for the big shindig, and we're totally stoked! (WARNING: There will be a plethora of exclamation points used in this post. The writer in me tried to limit them, but the party animal wasn't having it.)

Everything you need to know about the party is on this lovely poster my sis made up just for the occasion.  If you're in the Provo, UT area, we'd love to have you stop by!  

Secondly, the ebook version of Uncovering Cobbogoth was released yesterday!  Yay!  If you're an electronic bookie like me, you'll want to check it out.  You can do that by clicking the image of the book up and to your left.

Finally, Uncovering Cobbogoth is already making its way up the top 100s charts on Amazon!  As of right now, we're ranked #60 on the "Top 100 Myths and Legends Kindle Books for Sale" list!  This is super exciting, so thanks to all you snazzy ebookies out there making this happen.  We're in full on party mode around here already, and this just gives us one more thing to celebrate!

Hope you'll come party with us in person, but if you can't, party on in spirit, my friends. Party on in spirit.  :-)  Oh, and wish me luck.  I'm doing my very first public reading at this shebang, and I'll be honest, I'm a wee bit nervous.  ;-)


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